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理查德·唐纳 克里斯托弗·里夫,马龙·白兰度,吉恩·哈克曼,尼德·巴蒂,杰基·库珀,格伦·福特,特瑞沃·霍华德,玛戈·基德,杰克·奥哈罗兰,瓦莱丽·佩莱恩,玛丽亚·雪儿,特伦斯·斯坦普,菲莉丝·德丝达,苏珊娜·约克,杰夫·伊斯特,马克·麦克卢尔,莎拉·道格拉斯 爱情片 美国 / 英国 / 加拿大 1978

Superman was born on Krypton. His father was the chief scientist on Krypton. When krypton was facing destruction, her parents found her new home earth in the vast universe and sent her beloved son away by spaceship. The spaceship landed at Kent farm in Smallville, Kansas, USA. Ka Al was found by the kind Kent couple and brought up in the name of Clark Kent's earth. As he grows up day by day, his innate abilities are constantly emerging. Under the guidance of his adoptive father, Clark gradually understands the mystery of his life experience. Later, he put on his war robe and fought with the enemy who followed him. Everything confirmed his adoptive father's words: no matter what kind of person you become, justice or evil will change the world. We were deeply impressed by this handsome young man in a blue tights and a red cape. He is a character who condenses the American dream. The multiple identities of one character cover almost all the characteristics of American society at that time. He has not only the gentlemanly demeanor of Europe, but also the warm, cheerful and enterprising spirit of America. People's demands for Superman are multifaceted: "a gentle man is the ideal man who reposes the American dream. When he passes the Empire State Building in a red robe, he becomes the whole United States. He can fight against evil, save the earth, help grandma cross the street, and even love the heroine. Sometimes, I think the character is just like this, but after seeing more, I find that it is integrated with Superman's own temperament. Only with that kind of good quality and beautiful soul can I transfer my charm to the character. After watching the film again, he aroused my childhood dream. When the man who defends the peace of the earth and protects human life came back to me, I saw the handsome face with a shy smile, which not only awakened our childhood dream, but also made me want to relive the memory of time and light that had been decorated by Superman. "<>""}

Superman was born on Krypton. His father was the chief scientist on Krypton. When krypton was facing destruction, her parents found her new home earth in the vast universe and sent her beloved son away by spaceship. The spaceship landed at Kent farm in Smallville, Kansas, USA. Ka Al was found by the kind Kent couple and brought up in the name of Clark Kent's earth. As he grows up day by day, his innate abilities are constantly emerging. Under the guidance of his adoptive father, Clark gradually understands the mystery of his life experience. Later, he put on his war robe and fought with the enemy who followed him. Everything confirmed his adoptive father's words: no matter what kind of person you become, justice or evil will change the world. We were deeply impressed by this handsome young man in a blue tights and a red cape. He is a character who condenses the American dream. The multiple identities of one character cover almost all the characteristics of American society at that time. He has not only the gentlemanly demeanor of Europe, but also the warm, cheerful and enterprising spirit of America. People's demands for Superman are multifaceted: "a gentle man is the ideal man who reposes the American dream. When he passes the Empire State Building in a red robe, he becomes the whole United States. He can fight against evil, save the earth, help grandma cross the street, and even love the heroine. Sometimes, I think the character is just like this, but after seeing more, I find that it is integrated with Superman's own temperament. Only with that kind of good quality and beautiful soul can I transfer my charm to the character. After watching the film again, he aroused my childhood dream. When the man who defends the peace of the earth and protects human life came back to me, I saw the handsome face with a shy smile, which not only awakened our childhood dream, but also made me want to relive the memory of time and light that had been decorated by Superman. {else}1978年版的电影由克里斯托弗·里夫饰演,他一共饰演了四个版本《超人》系列电影。氪星即将毁灭之际,为保持种族的延续,科学家乔·艾尔通过飞船将他尚在襁褓中的儿子卡尔(克里斯托弗·里夫ChristopherReeve饰)送往地球。卡尔被地球上的肯特夫妇抚养成人,改名为克拉克,他具有超人的能力,将成为地球上正义和真理的守护者。长大了的卡尔来到大都市,成为《行星日报》的记者。平时,他是温文尔雅的普通记者,危急时刻就变成穿着紧身衣、披着斗篷在空中自由飞翔的守护神超人。当邪恶的鲁索妄图统治全世界时,超人是唯一能够制止他的人。{end if}


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