首页 » 电视剧 » 美国剧 » 金装律师第五季第6集


AntonCropper 盖布瑞·马赫特,帕特里克·J·亚当斯,里克·霍夫曼,梅根·马克尔,莎拉·拉弗提 美国剧 美国 2015

E03 Mike愿意为Harvey做的就像之前Harvey愿意为Mike做的一样让我感动,我太喜欢他们了。Mike真的越来越强了,他越来越像Harvey了,虽然也有点不一样可能。 我现在喜欢Rachel不喜欢Donna了。我感觉Rachel只是那种有时候看起来很冲,Katrina也是的,就是一开始可能会不喜欢,这种只要是朋友了就friendly又loyal而且helpful不添什么麻烦,完全没问题但她其实tough而且nice,她会正确估量自己的实力。Donna,怎么说呢,就有点像Jenny,看起来温温和和的,就你一开始觉得她们挺好的,cruel起来一点都不含糊。她说她是为了Harvey可是她也添了不少乱,错不在她吗,Harvey为她cover了多少次她说走还是走了。我可能是想Harvey不该那么在意吧,毕竟她那么冷漠的样子也没有在意过什么,可能很多年还是有感情基础只是我光看剧没感受到,要说有什么特别漂亮的话那天来应聘的新秘书不少都更年轻漂亮。其实她之前挺好的,可能just not tough enough,她为了证明自己也可以save the day捅了那么大的篓子,而她确实就是没有这样的实力。我猜我不喜欢的可能就是weak吧


E05 Louis and Harvey are good again after Louis's sister's cause. great

E07 Donna and Harvey are good again.


E11finally,the secret is。revealed

Mike将了Anita一军干的漂亮by the way

E12 Anita is a cold heartless bitch


E14 Harold is a true friend if he is not setting a trap. Trevor is not though he and Mike has known each other for a very long time. Jimmy touched me. It takes a lot of courage to testify for Mike. he knew he would be facing perjury.

E15 How can Louis do that?

He is gonna betray all his friends again. what's more, he set Harvey up for Anita to save? his own goddamn ass. If I were Harvey or Jessica or Mike, I may never forgive him for that. why be a rat? he benefitted from? that dirty little secret a hell lot. Jessica would have never make him name partner if it were not for that. this makes me sick because Mike could have turned on him but he didn't.

oh he didn't do it. he is loyal to his friends. this is quite appreciatable after being scared and getting the evidence.

E16 Mike and Rachel

they were going to marry

Rachel touched me

they didn't"<>""}

E03 Mike愿意为Harvey做的就像之前Harvey愿意为Mike做的一样让我感动,我太喜欢他们了。Mike真的越来越强了,他越来越像Harvey了,虽然也有点不一样可能。 我现在喜欢Rachel不喜欢Donna了。我感觉Rachel只是那种有时候看起来很冲,Katrina也是的,就是一开始可能会不喜欢,这种只要是朋友了就friendly又loyal而且helpful不添什么麻烦,完全没问题但她其实tough而且nice,她会正确估量自己的实力。Donna,怎么说呢,就有点像Jenny,看起来温温和和的,就你一开始觉得她们挺好的,cruel起来一点都不含糊。她说她是为了Harvey可是她也添了不少乱,错不在她吗,Harvey为她cover了多少次她说走还是走了。我可能是想Harvey不该那么在意吧,毕竟她那么冷漠的样子也没有在意过什么,可能很多年还是有感情基础只是我光看剧没感受到,要说有什么特别漂亮的话那天来应聘的新秘书不少都更年轻漂亮。其实她之前挺好的,可能just not tough enough,她为了证明自己也可以save the day捅了那么大的篓子,而她确实就是没有这样的实力。我猜我不喜欢的可能就是weak吧


E05 Louis and Harvey are good again after Louis's sister's cause. great

E07 Donna and Harvey are good again.


E11finally,the secret is。revealed

Mike将了Anita一军干的漂亮by the way

E12 Anita is a cold heartless bitch


E14 Harold is a true friend if he is not setting a trap. Trevor is not though he and Mike has known each other for a very long time. Jimmy touched me. It takes a lot of courage to testify for Mike. he knew he would be facing perjury.

E15 How can Louis do that?

He is gonna betray all his friends again. what's more, he set Harvey up for Anita to save? his own goddamn ass. If I were Harvey or Jessica or Mike, I may never forgive him for that. why be a rat? he benefitted from? that dirty little secret a hell lot. Jessica would have never make him name partner if it were not for that. this makes me sick because Mike could have turned on him but he didn't.

oh he didn't do it. he is loyal to his friends. this is quite appreciatable after being scared and getting the evidence.

E16 Mike and Rachel

they were going to marry

Rachel touched me

they didn't{else}USA电视台续订《金装律师》(Suits)第五季!第五季将有16集,将在2015年夏季回归。{end if}
