首页 » 电视剧 » 美国剧 » 完美的人第3集


雷吉娜·金,托马斯·施拉梅 杰夫·丹尼尔斯,埃文·罗,比尔·坎普,阿梅尔·艾米恩,乔恩·迈克尔·希尔,ShanitaWilburn,NathanRudd,L.WarrenYoung,乔什·帕斯,杰瑞卡·辛顿,阿特金斯·埃斯特蒙德,KeithBrooks,ScottDanielJohnson,库尔特·岳,葛人杰·海恩斯,安德里亚·弗兰克尔,理查德·托普尔,约翰·莱西,布里特·乔治,SamWrenVincent 美国剧 美国 2024



You are to look at the perfect human and wonder how they achieve perfection, when in fact the perfect human does not know and wishes to know all the same. In fact (and quite obviously) the perfect human is not the perfect human, merely an image created by society. The white room that is described as endless and freeing, is actually the thing that is keeping the perfect human contained. Perfection itself, and the endless struggle to achieve it, is what ultimately holds us back. Nothing in life is surface level and everything has meaning. Ultimately the less meaningful something seems, the more it usually is.



