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暂无 暂无 纪录片 英国 2020


This is the land known by two names. The first is Persia. Ancient, mysterious, a place of adventure. Of mighty temples and places, built by powerful kings. A land of unimaginable beauty. The other is Iran. Isolated, proud, defiant.


The Persians can seem like a mystery at the edge of the western imagination in the Old Testament, or battling Alexander and the Romans in classical history. But the ripples of Persia’s art and language has travelled outwards throughout the world, transforming culture across Europe and Asia. If you think you know the Persians, think again.



Persia’s great kings built a vast empire, and the rich culture that became the envy of the ancient world. I will find out how they defeated no less than three Roman Emperors and how the Arab armies eventually conquered the Persians to build a new Islamic Empire.




This is the land known by two names. The first is Persia. Ancient, mysterious, a place of adventure. Of mighty temples and places, built by powerful kings. A land of unimaginable beauty. The other is Iran. Isolated, proud, defiant.


The Persians can seem like a mystery at the edge of the western imagination in the Old Testament, or battling Alexander and the Romans in classical history. But the ripples of Persia’s art and language has travelled outwards throughout the world, transforming culture across Europe and Asia. If you think you know the Persians, think again.



Persia’s great kings built a vast empire, and the rich culture that became the envy of the ancient world. I will find out how they defeated no less than three Roman Emperors and how the Arab armies eventually conquered the Persians to build a new Islamic Empire.


{else}踏上难能可贵的探索之旅,了解拥有两千年历史的绚烂艺术文化,及其铸就的世界上最古老的帝国。故事中的这片土地拥有两个名字:波斯——古老而神秘,充满冒险气息,强大的国王建造了大批雄伟的寺庙和宫殿,美景超乎想象;伊朗——骄傲、孤立,对外界的干扰不屑一顾。BBCStudios获得了前所未有的特许,得以深入伊朗进行拍摄,展现这座古国非凡的历史与文明。从迷宫式的集市到波斯古代君主的都城波斯波利斯,再到圣火燃烧逾千年的火神庙,主播兼记者萨米拉·艾哈迈德(SamiraAhmed)带领观众一同踏上这段独一无二的难忘旅程。在三集的内容中,萨米拉将揭示波斯文明在历史中的重要地位;在跌宕起伏的演变过程中,进一步了解其一次次的辉煌与陷落。在这趟旅程中,萨米拉还有一个重大发现:波斯人曾有一度几乎迷失了自我,直到一本书的出现,才使他们得以重新认识自身,继而实现波斯文化的复兴——《列王纪》(Shahnameh)。菲尔多西凝聚毕生精力的史诗巨著,没能在他生前为他赢得期望中的赞许与财富,却在他死后长久流传——《列王纪》不仅掀起了波斯语言与文化的复兴大潮,更在后世绵延千年的数度王朝更迭与社会变迁中,成为了维系波斯传统的重要纽带,为伊朗人民的文化认同提供了坚定的基石。{end if}
