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内详 杰瑞米·艾恩斯,安东尼·安德鲁斯,戴安娜·奎克,查尔斯·斯特里奇,DerekGranger,迈克尔·林赛-霍格,珍·爱舍,尼古拉斯·格雷斯,GeoffreyBurgon 纪录片 英国 2005





说实话,这也是我所了解的原著,之所以当年受到批判就是因为他的阶级感不稳定。长期以来它都是作为一个讽刺作家出现的,比如说a handful of Dust, scoop.但突然就来了这么一本同情富农的书。


他们在牛津度过的20年代,都是让自己有乐子,多交朋友多跳舞。这是对他采访的原话:Getting tight a lot of the time. Entertaining, making new friends. Jazz.那时候宿舍还有校工,帮你打扫房间。

塞巴斯蒂安的原型叫格雷汉姆Alistair Graham,是沃恩的老情人。" The friend of my heart"作者从未否认过。 约翰逊在第23分钟总结说。 He came through as a snob, he cultivated the character of a snob, especially in later life, but inside that snobbish shell, there was a very intelligent, very acute, And very sympathetic human being, recording life as it was going on, and writing it down for our benefit.最后一句话亮了



Enormously camp.女子气,怪怪的。 He was part Gaelic,flamboyant, part Yankee, part, perhaps Jew. Fleshy in a rather unappealing way. Outrageously camp. But wholly exotic.

I think he was a conflation of one or two rather disreputable old queens. Waugh heaped Unto him all his own unease About what it would be like to be a queen.

上映后的结果是 It became compulsory viewing. You just sat down and let it wash over you. 正好那时是撒切尔上台,很多人都失业了。 Precisely that time the people are drawn to escapist nostalgia."<>""}





说实话,这也是我所了解的原著,之所以当年受到批判就是因为他的阶级感不稳定。长期以来它都是作为一个讽刺作家出现的,比如说a handful of Dust, scoop.但突然就来了这么一本同情富农的书。


他们在牛津度过的20年代,都是让自己有乐子,多交朋友多跳舞。这是对他采访的原话:Getting tight a lot of the time. Entertaining, making new friends. Jazz.那时候宿舍还有校工,帮你打扫房间。

塞巴斯蒂安的原型叫格雷汉姆Alistair Graham,是沃恩的老情人。" The friend of my heart"作者从未否认过。 约翰逊在第23分钟总结说。 He came through as a snob, he cultivated the character of a snob, especially in later life, but inside that snobbish shell, there was a very intelligent, very acute, And very sympathetic human being, recording life as it was going on, and writing it down for our benefit.最后一句话亮了



Enormously camp.女子气,怪怪的。 He was part Gaelic,flamboyant, part Yankee, part, perhaps Jew. Fleshy in a rather unappealing way. Outrageously camp. But wholly exotic.

I think he was a conflation of one or two rather disreputable old queens. Waugh heaped Unto him all his own unease About what it would be like to be a queen.

上映后的结果是 It became compulsory viewing. You just sat down and let it wash over you. 正好那时是撒切尔上台,很多人都失业了。 Precisely that time the people are drawn to escapist nostalgia.{else}深情回顾 Evelyn Waugh 的著名小说《新娘头》的经典电视剧制作过程。纪录片/致敬的特色来自 Derek Granger(制片人)、Jeremy Irons(Charles Ryder)、AnthonyAndrews(Sebastian Flyte)、Charles Sturridge(导演)、DianaQuick(Julia Flyte)、MichaelLindsay-Hogg(导演)、Jane Asher(Celia)...{end if}
