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DominiqueForma JonAbrahams,JeffBridges 剧情片 美国 2001
{if:"****SPOILERS**** Ripping off the Milton mob of $7.2 million dollars and killing Milton's son Kevin in the process was a big mistake for the Steven Wayne, Bom Gunton, gang and Wayne's partner Jimmy Berg, Jeff Bridges, who executed that robbery. Milton's top henchman Trevor Morrison, Brian Goodman, has a hit-man Rick, Peter Green, sent to kidnap and kill Jimmy Berg. Driving a van with Rick to the Berg home is part-time mob wheel-man Lenny Burrough, Jon Abrahams. Everything seems to go right with Berg taken with out a struggle and Rick getting a key hidden under a mailbox that will unlock a designated bus station locker that he was given instructions to go to. There's $250,000.00 in cash waiting for Rick, in that locker, after he did the "job" but then all hell breaks loose with the Wayne mob showing up and running down Rick and killing him with a silencer. In the middle of a busy street in broad daylight. There's still Lenny in the van with Berg and with Morrison in contact with him and giving Lenny orders on his cell-phone to stay put is not to let him go.The movie "Scenes of the crime" just stands still after that with both Wayne & Morrison negotiating for Bergs life with Lenny who up to then was an innocent bystander the main obstacle. After going back and forth for a half hour the two hoodlums come to the conclusion that the best thing that they can do that will favor both of them is to have Wayne sell Berg out. The trick is to convince him that his partner Wayne isn't doing that. This to get Berg to drop his guard and come out and surrender and eventually be killed by the Milton mobsters.Somewhat slow but interesting film about how the mob works and how the saying that "There's no honor among thieves" is so true. You soon also begin to realize that theirs a third party, besides Wayne and Morrison, who's more sinister and murderous then the other two. Who's manipulating everyone like puppets on a string without them ever knowing about it. Jeff Bridges is his usual competent self as Jimmy Berg who know"<>""}****SPOILERS**** Ripping off the Milton mob of $7.2 million dollars and killing Milton's son Kevin in the process was a big mistake for the Steven Wayne, Bom Gunton, gang and Wayne's partner Jimmy Berg, Jeff Bridges, who executed that robbery. Milton's top henchman Trevor Morrison, Brian Goodman, has a hit-man Rick, Peter Green, sent to kidnap and kill Jimmy Berg. Driving a van with Rick to the Berg home is part-time mob wheel-man Lenny Burrough, Jon Abrahams. Everything seems to go right with Berg taken with out a struggle and Rick getting a key hidden under a mailbox that will unlock a designated bus station locker that he was given instructions to go to. There's $250,000.00 in cash waiting for Rick, in that locker, after he did the "job" but then all hell breaks loose with the Wayne mob showing up and running down Rick and killing him with a silencer. In the middle of a busy street in broad daylight. There's still Lenny in the van with Berg and with Morrison in contact with him and giving Lenny orders on his cell-phone to stay put is not to let him go.The movie "Scenes of the crime" just stands still after that with both Wayne & Morrison negotiating for Bergs life with Lenny who up to then was an innocent bystander the main obstacle. After going back and forth for a half hour the two hoodlums come to the conclusion that the best thing that they can do that will favor both of them is to have Wayne sell Berg out. The trick is to convince him that his partner Wayne isn't doing that. This to get Berg to drop his guard and come out and surrender and eventually be killed by the Milton mobsters.Somewhat slow but interesting film about how the mob works and how the saying that "There's no honor among thieves" is so true. You soon also begin to realize that theirs a third party, besides Wayne and Morrison, who's more sinister and murderous then the other two. Who's manipulating everyone like puppets on a string without them ever knowing about it. Jeff Bridges is his usual competent self as Jimmy Berg who know{else}给黑道人物跑腿的年轻人Lenny,在执行一次普通人物的时候,发现他运送的“货物'竟然是洛杉矶一位黑道老大Jimmy。面对着黑道人物Jimmy、Seth以及一大堆保镖,Lenny才发现,原来他是代表Trevor来处理一桩七百万的交易的。电话受命,小车谈判,这...{end if}
