首页 » 电视剧 » 美国剧 » 酷儿们第06集


马克·加蒂斯 本·卫肖,菲恩·怀特海德,拉塞尔·托维,丽贝卡·弗朗特 美国剧 英国 2017

E01 The Man On the Platform

You can hear the buzz of the flies, but they are way off and some of the ones that are closer are butterflies, so that's all right.

and I just lie there and I watch Terence sleeping and his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

And his hair is golden.

And the line of his jaw is just sort of perfectLike a draughtsman's drawn it.

Like I'd drawn it.

And his lips are dark and full and they're like bramble.

And all I want to do is bend down and And he opens his eyes and squints.

And he lifts his hand to cover them so he can see better.

And he says, "We'd best be getting back.

There's no train then, there's no troops, there's no war.

There's just his bramble lips pressed against the tips of my fingers .

E02 A Grand Day Out

It's funny, isn't it? Because if they'd said yes, if they had made it 16 .

then I'd have gone straight home.

E08 Something Borrowed

From that, the last one left standing, unpicked at PE, the saddo sitting out the school disco slow dances because he couldn't wrap his arms round the one he wanted, the teenager looking for love in pissy public toilets and parks after dark .

To this.




And then he said, gentle as anything, and I'm not going to do the accent.

"If there's a gay kid in here with his folks, frightened that he's a freak, don't you think that it might give him hope, seeing two guys wandering around, being themselves, getting their groceries, like everyone else?"

If happiness is a place, it's the biscuit aisle in Sainsbury's.

And anywhere else I am with him.

And the best view ever isn't Uluru, or Iguazu, the Taj Mahal, the Grand Canyon, or even Edinburgh as seen from Arthur's Seat on a clear autumn day with the Forth shimmering in the distance.

It's the nape of his neck when he's lying asleep in my arms.

I know we don't get happily ever afters in real life.I'm a hopeless romantic, not a total fucking idiot.

As my friend, Russell, said to me once, "Even with the happiest couples, one of you dies first." But first there is such unalloyed joy.



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