首页 » 电视剧 » 美国剧 » 无垠的太空第二季第2集


布瑞克·埃斯纳尔 史蒂文·斯崔特,托马斯·简,索瑞·安达斯鲁,多米尼克·蒂珀,卡斯·安瓦尔 美国剧 美国 2017

a kid from belt dressed in punk managed to break several records in the slingshot raceor. he did this purely to impress his beloved girl back home, Evita, a hot young lady with tattoo on her chest.

all he saw on channels is the Martian and earth fleets heading towards THE RING, a mistery allien artifact appeared in the space few months ago. but he knew it from heart Evita will appreciate what he did and admire him even more.

a message came that Evita thought he was away for so long and nobody could make her safe except his buddy. as plain as this could hold though, he still believed Evita would come around. in the deepest agony, instead of alcohol, he drank up only liquids in his cockpit—his own urine. he then pulled himself together and decided to go the focus of everyone in the system, the RING. this unfolds a new world for mankind.


a kid from belt dressed in punk managed to break several records in the slingshot raceor. he did this purely to impress his beloved girl back home, Evita, a hot young lady with tattoo on her chest.

all he saw on channels is the Martian and earth fleets heading towards THE RING, a mistery allien artifact appeared in the space few months ago. but he knew it from heart Evita will appreciate what he did and admire him even more.

a message came that Evita thought he was away for so long and nobody could make her safe except his buddy. as plain as this could hold though, he still believed Evita would come around. in the deepest agony, instead of alcohol, he drank up only liquids in his cockpit—his own urine. he then pulled himself together and decided to go the focus of everyone in the system, the RING. this unfolds a new world for mankind.

{else}该剧讲述了一个发生在200年后,一名年轻女性失踪之后发生的惊悚故事。乔·米勒被描述成一个厌世的角色,他在火星和木星之间的小行星带出生,长大后加入在小行星带维持秩序的安全公司,成了一名侦探。他主要在谷神星太空站工作,有时也会去其他地方执行任务。他总是很憔悴,追寻着连自己都叫不出名字的东西,觉得身边的一切事物都了无生趣。他是一个直觉敏锐的警察,只对工作很投入。如今,上级命令他调查一名女继承人的失踪案,这个案件的复杂程度让他感到自己的人生又有了新的意义。{end if}


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